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PPST Shanghai
    4 Floors, Building 2, No. 2185 Lai Fang Road
    Jiu Ting Town, Song Jiang District
    Shanghai 201615 China
    +86 21 5763 8246 (Voice)
    +86 21 5763 8240 (Fax)
PPST Shanghai

PPST Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai, China and provides power test equipment solutions to customers in the power generation, transmission, and distribution industries in China.

PPST (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of power test equipment solutions, including high-voltage test equipment, transformer test equipment, circuit breaker test equipment, and more. The company is dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to meet the needs of its customers in China.

In addition to its product offerings, PPST (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. also provides technical support, calibration, and repair services to its customers. The company's team of experienced technicians and engineers are equipped to provide expert assistance to customers throughout the entire life cycle of their power test equipment.

Overall, PPST (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a trusted provider of power test equipment solutions in China, and is well-regarded in the industry for its technical expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction.

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